About Xanadu
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Xanadu is the free language and
translation wizard by Foreignword which helps you find
a way through the language and translation
Translate words or texts, find
translators, read the latest language news, locate specialised
glossaries and much more.
Once installed, you may choose among six languages for the
user interface and help files: English,
French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.
translation of Xanadu by Christine Alba, chrisalba@ifrance.com Italian translation by
Marco Piccolino Boniforti, www.marklittle.f2s.com Portuguese
translation by Ana Luiza Colicigno, analuiza@waitrose.com
Translate words, terms or texts
from/to over 60 languages
and with almost 200 free online dictionaries or text translation
Several dictionaries can
be looked up at the same time and keyboard shortcuts enable
you to instantly translate terms selected in any Windows
application (e.g. a word processor).
Translate a word or term:

Translate a phrase or text:

Find specialised
glossaries |
Xanadu contains a directory of over 4000 links (glossaries, reference
material, etc.) for many domains and languages:

information by accessing the best search engines in a single
step. Xanadu displays results from several search
engines at the same time. Meta-search made easy.

Contact professional
translators |
are in need for a professional translation? With Xanadu you will be able to find
the right person. Xanadu provides you with all contact details!

Read daily or weekly updated news in the field
of language and translation. If you have news to share
with all other Xanadu users then submit these for

Not all features are listed here.
Check it out for yourself and download Xanadu now!
Click to download your free copy